Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well here it is...what so many of you have requested. You are as patient as you are devoted and I thank you for that (even though you are, to a person, smart enough to realize that your long wait will be proportionately rewarded).

Let's start with an answer to the question that has been dogging us all for so long...feet. Well, it's not so much a question as it is a statement. Actually two statements: thesis and antithesis... yin and yan, Mutt and Jeff, etc. Dual and complementary forms that have, out of the mists of evolutionary time, stepped into our lives to not only show us where we've been but provide us the means to advance, in fitting bipedal style, to our biological destiny.

I could go on, but space prevents me. Please, feel free to continue on without me. I will catch up.

I welcome your comments. However, in anticipation of the heavy response and, in consideration of the potential loss of bandwith to other users of the www, I am requesting that, for at least the first month of this highly anticipated blog, responses be restricted to the date that corresponds to the responder's birth date. I can assure you that all members of the adoring throng will be grateful for your cooperation.

I should also advise you to read early and read fast. The passage of the even the shortest measurable time will be accompanied by the risk that surgical editing transforms the raw power of the first edition into a smooth incandescence likely to threaten the eyesight of even the less enlightened reader.

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